[News] I joined HCI Lab as assistant professor at University of Saskatchewan!
Humans have great capability, both physically and mentally, and understanding humans is a complex and central topic in the HCI area. My research goal is to create and evaluate interactions that utilise greater human capability, examine how people perform those interactions and their preference, and further understand and surpass the limits of human ability. Toward this goal, I have been focusing on building interactive systems that utilise better human capability and advancing our knowledge of humans by evaluating proposed interactions, including, but not limited to, physical hand dexterity used to manipulate everyday objects, physical and mental ability to interact in collaborative settings, and mental decision making to support personal creativity.
I finished my PhD in Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, supervised by Prof. Daniel Vogel in Human-Computer Interaction lab. Before my PhD, I received a Master’s degree from the Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia, National Taiwan University, where I completed my master thesis of driver assistance system in the imLab and was advised by Prof. Yi-Ping, Hung.
Please see my projects and résumé for more information.
I will be looking for motivated students to join my group at USask. The research topics can be diverse, including phone interactions, human factors, AR/VR, collaborative tools, and creative arts.