I finished my PhD in Cheriton School of Computer Science, University of Waterloo, supervised by Prof. Daniel Vogel in Human-Computer Interaction lab.  Currently, I am employed as a senior HCI researcher under contract at Huawei Canada.
I have been focusing on building interactive systems that utilise better human capability and advancing our knowledge of humans by evaluating proposed interactions. For my dissertation, I investigated the performance and user preference of new forms of single-handed physical phone interactions that utilise finger dexterity, and explored the possible applications. I proposed three physical phone interactions including off-screen input, motion gestures, and deformable input. By implementing these interactive systems, I was able to examine how users perform such gestures and their preference. I concluded that users could utilise their finger dexterity to interact with phones, and encouraged researchers and designers to further create more expressive interactions.
Other than my main research focus, my interests are diverse with the similar goal to understand humans with interactive systems, including research in human factor, AR/VR, collaborative tools, and creative arts. I have also been collaborating across institutions and disciplines that combine research areas in computational art, multimedia, and human-computer interaction. These results contribute to HCI papers and art exhibits.
Before my PhD, I received a Master’s degree from the Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia, National Taiwan University, where I completed my master thesis of driver assistance system in the imLab and was advised by Prof. Yi-Ping, Hung.
I was a software engineer in the Garmin Corporation (Taiwan) for Research and Development for three years. I worked in embedded fitness team and developed High-Level software for runner watch (FR30, FR35, FR735XT, FR935), cycling computer (Edge Explore 1000) and Varia Vision.
Please see my projects and résumé for more information.
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