MovIPrint: Move, Explore and Fabricate
ACM MM 2019 (Art Gallery)
Yen-Ting Cho, National Cheng Kung University
Yen-Ling Kuo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Yen-Ting Yeh, University of Waterloo
Yi-Chin Lee, Carnegie Mellon University
MovIPrint is a user-friendly, interactive installation that uses software and a depth-sensing camera to capture human body movement. After inputting digital data such as images or video into the software, MovIPrint offers people innovative and user-friendly ways to explore that data by manipulating it with their body movement. We use media content and/or wireframe design to enable people to then fabricate their own moving images and 3D digital models.
ACM Citation Format
Yen-Ting Cho, Yen-Ling Kuo, Yen-Ting Yeh, and Yi-Chin Lee. 2019. MovIPrint: Move, Explore and Fabricate. In Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM '19). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 1151–1152. DOI:
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